How Facebook Shop Can Help Increase Profits for Your E-Commerce Business

Blog The Orange Box
By: Dania Alvarado

Here's a little trivia to shake your sillies out: there are over 1.70 billion people across the globe who spend an average of one hour every day using Facebook. If you think about it, that is some crazy number that is unlikely for anyone to earn anytime soon.

Let me share something crazier-- 86 percent of marketers in the United States are using Facebook to put the word out about their business, tapping to their market which is more or less a part of that 1.70 billion people statistic. Bottom line is, it only makes sense to do so.

Putting your business on Facebook is not only a wise strategy. With the digital landscape peering at the horizon, it is the most ideal one out there too. Most of the market is on Facebook, wouldn't it only be common sense for your business to be there too?

Because of these projections, we can realize Facebook's move to shape and refine its features, transforming the platform to a more convenient one for businesses and consumers alike with Facebook Shop. 


Facebook Shopvía Facebook


Pretty self-explanatory, Facebook Shops is the social media site's one giant leap for e-commerce. A huge step-up from the app's earlier e-commerce explorations in the form of Facebook Marketplace, Facebook Shop offers a different shopping experience that may just disrupt the e-commerce industry as we know it.

While created for the sake of small businesses who are struggling to survive the pandemic, the introduction of Facebook Shops is set to catalyze a strong impact in the face of online shopping, which is why all businesses are encouraged to utilize this new feature while it's still for free.

If you need further encouragement, say no more. 


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  • A hands-on chance at customization.

  • With Facebook Shops, businesses can personalize their shop according to their branding identity and preferences. Facebook Shops are fairly easy to set up and design so store owners can easily build their brands with little restrictions. You have the liberty to play with colorful photos as well as other design elements to make your shop captivating to your customers. Take it as a simple DIY activity. It's both fun and productive, so setting up shop is not only a breeze, but is tailored to your liking.


Facebook Shop customizationvía Facebook



  • A rich customer experience.

  • Branding may only seem to others as face value, but if you don't believe in the power of it, you've got a lot to learn. You will be surprised at how much branding affects purchasing decisions and sales. Hence, Facebook Shops's extremely customizable interface. Because there are plenty of room for personalizations in Facebook Shops, building your brand has gotten easier, enriching the buyer's journey and experience.


  • Consumer-to-consumer trade.

  • Facebook Shops is poised to become the smaller merchants' chance at leverage with the larger competitions. In Facebook Shops, there is no big and small, there are only shops. The popularity of consumer-to-consumer (C2C) businesses over the years is not expected to slow down at any rate. In fact, Etsy, one of the more popular C2C selling platforms, has seen an impressive increase in its sales numbers right during the course of this pandemic. With Facebook Shops enabling a C2C transaction type of selling, selling for small C2C businesses and side hustlers is made more affordable and accessible.


Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)


  • Conversation-driven sales.

  • At the very beginning, Facebook banked in on the idea of connections. Connecting people and interests is what made Facebook the giant it is in the social media game. It is also these connections that Facebook sees as its selling proposition. With Facebook Shops, buyers can easily get in touch with the sellers, and make inquiries about the products with the flawless messaging integration. These simple inquiries can create conversations that let the seller tell more about the product, establishing an incredible rapport between both parties that can even strengthen brand loyalty.


With creating such breathtaking milestones for not just small businesses but all businesses as well, Facebook Shops is dead set on becoming a powerful business platform that anyone can become a part of. It is easy to use and free. At this rate, it would be insane not to make use of this beautiful feature designed for anyone who has the guts to make it big.

Facebook Shops is hot off the oven, released only last May, which is why only a small number of small businesses have had the privilege to experience it at this point. Check your email once in a while for notifications and see if you can now enjoy this wonderful update.


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Tags: E-Commerce